Wednesday, October 28, 2020

2019. Nepal International Cricket Sevens Build Up

The ACST are ever eager to seek out new adventures and possible tournaments in new locations. Baluwater CC became the first Nepalese side to play at one of our events when they lifted the Cup at the 2015 Thailand International Cricket Sixes at Harrow School in Thailand.

Sher Lama led the side and promoted cricket in his nation wonderfully throughout and suggested, not for the first time, the idea of the ACST staging an event in Nepal. Chairman Michael Maher had worked on an idea for an earlier tournament in Kathmandu, but the breakthrough came when he travelled to meet with representatives of DEVIBAS Events & Media Pvt. Ltd.

A meeting and media announcement took place in Kathmandu in April 2019 where the contract was signed by DEVIBAS 
company Chairman, Shailendra Sharma and Michael Maher of the ACST for Nepal’s inaugural international cricket tournament to take place in the resort of Pokhara the following September.

Please click on the images to enlarge.

The Kathmandu Post featured news of the tournament on April 28th 2019

The following media announcement was released by the ACST in May 2019.

Teams and participants from around the globe expressed interest in the historic event with invites being sent out to potential entrants.

As the build-up intensified the following was released a week before the tournament.

Teams arrived by several interesting routes, with some spending some time to acclimatise in Kathmandu having received a foretaste of the wonderful Nepalese hospitality when greeted at the airport by Sher Lama and by the hotel staff before enjoying the vibrant nightlife of Thamel in the fascinating and welcoming city.

An Indian side travelled by road, some by the short flight from Kathmandu to Pokhara while a contingent of the CBB party along with local knowledge took the 7-hour coach ride through mountains and stunning scenery.

On Thursday 19th September the Hotel Barahi staged the Tournament Welcoming Party and Captain’s & Officials Meeting as the competing sides and sponsors congregated and made friendships through cricket as well as further discovering the delights of the city.

The teams and officials assembled at the UDTC Ground on Friday 20th September with Fishtail Mountain and The Himalayas setting a stunning backdrop to proceedings, for the tournament to be opened following an official ceremony featuring guests of honour from the state ministry of the local Kaski District on Constitution Day.

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